Yorktown Disciple
Yorktown Disciple

Poem Directory
Quatrain Directive CII  - Yorktown Disciple
Perceptive Publishing
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Poems to make your day, or ruin it
Yorktown Disciple
Poetizing around the world
10650 Quatrain of The Other Side

10651 Quatrain of In My Face

10652 Quatrain of Dangers Lurking

10653 Quatrain of Lost Memories

10654 Quatrain of Light Slumber

10655 Quatrain of Not Trusting

10656 Quatrain  of Vile Kneeling

10657 Quatrain of Not Omniscient

10658 Quatrain of Spinning World

10659 Quatrain of Hundred Days

10660 Quatrain of No Tolerance

10661 Quatrain of Demon Inside

10662A Quatrain of Way Back

10662B Quatrain of My Share

10663 Quatrain of Sad Truth
Total Poems 11040
10664 Quatrain of The Times

10665 Quatrain of Tomorrow Brings

10666 Quatrain of Sound Of Lies

10667 Quatrain of Spiritual Health

10668 Quatrain of Thought Sale

10669 Quatrain of A Few Laws

10670 Quatrain of Against Yourself

10671 Quatrain of Behind Yourself

10672 Quatrain of The Curve

10673 Quatrain of Heading Out

10674 Quatrain of Snake Nest

10675 Quatrain of Growing Up

10676 Quatrain of Wicked Notes

10677 Quatrain of Learning To Pray

10678 Quatrain of Walking Straight
Yorktown Disciple
Poet Divine
10679 Quatrain of Finding Peace

10680 Quatrain of Not Worth It

10681 Quatrain of Too Much Love

10682 Quatrain of How God Works

10683 Quatrain of Ugly Souls

10684 Quatrain of Gathering Spittle

10685 Quatrain of Atmospheric Spirit

10686 Quatrain of A Normal World

10687 Quatrain of A New Beginning

10688 Quatrain of Daily Chore

10689 Quatrain of Holy Ruse

10690 Quatrain of Two Legs

10691 Quatrain of Drinking Problem

10692 Quatrain of Your Profile

10693 Quatrain of Which One
10694 Quatrain of What To Do

10695 Quatrain of Only A Few

10696 Quatrain of Steam Window

10697 Quatrain of Spread Sins

10698 Quatrain of Clean Souls

10699 Quatrain of I'll Be There

10700 Quatrain of Scary Thoughts

10701 Quatrain of Before Living

10702 Quatrain of Depths Of Love

10703 Quatrain of Peal Me

10704 Quatrain of Weathered Love

10705 Quatrain of Combing Grass

10706 Quatrain of Need Light

10707 Quatrain of Remote Learning

10708 Quatrain of Moon Burial
10709 Quatrain of Power Overload

10710 Quatrain of Bottles OF Sin

10711 Quatrain of Speaking Right

10712 Quatrain of No Forgetting

10713 Quatrain of Before It Happens

10714 Quatrain of House Fly

10715 Quatrain of Science No More

10716  Quatrain of Vacuum Thinking

10717 Quatrain of Without Worry

10718 Quatrain of Losing Ground

10719 Quatrain of Only Skin Deep

10720 Quatrain of The Most

10721 Quatrain of No Longer Walk

10722 Quatrain of Hear Thyself

10723 Quatrain of Too Unwise
10724 Quatrain of Your Wisdom

10725 Quatrain of Convincing Yourself

10726 Quatrain of Feeling Insecure

10727 Quatrain of Eternal Lies

10728 Quatrain of Always Rummaging

10729 Quatrain of No Awakening

10730 Quatrain of Space And Time

10731 Quatrain of Hitting Bottom

10732 Quatrain of Keep Going

10733 Quatrain of Love's Backdoor

10734 Quatrain of Forged Ideas

10735 Quatrain of A Disbeliever

10736 Quatrain of Always Fading

10737 Quatrain of Lost Thoughts

10738 Quatrain if Age Numbers
10739 Quatrain of Facing Truth

10740 Quatrain of No Thoughts

10741 Quatrain of Floating High

10742 Quatrain of For The Ages

10743 Quatrain of Empty World

10744 Quatrain of Separate Yourself

10745 Quatrain of My Calculations

10746 Quatrain of Saving Myself

10747 Quatrain of Word Demand

10748 Quatrain of Beef To Cut

10749 Quatrain of Love Barnacle

10750 Quatrain of Blame Me

10751 Quatrain of Slinging Hate

10752 Quatrain of Losing Breath

10753 Quatrain of Life In Order
10754 Quatrain of Pocket Redemption

10755 Quatrain of Hiding Sins

10756 Quatrain Of Use The Best

10757 Quatrain of Finding Home

10758 Quatrain of Traveling Fast

10759 Quatrain of Growing Knowledge

10760 Quatrain of Looking At Me

10761 Quatrain of By Chance

10762 Quatrain of Violence Cometh

10763 Quatrain of Knowing Love

10764 Quatrain of Touch My Hand

10765 Quatrain of Man Of God

10766 Quatrain of Morning Sounds

10767 Quatrain of Leaving Home

10768 Quatrain of First Chance
By Yorktown Disciple