Yorktown Disciple
Weather Underground Photos
Weather Underground Photos
Quatrain of Kneeling

Kneeling  - to rest on ones knees

What would cause a man
to kneel in a humble

Tis only an act of a superior
who asks for such a

God has never ask of my soul,
to drop down to one

My reverence shows in daily
life; not just when I pray to

Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Kneeling - 1109 - Yorktown Disciple
Weather Underground lPhotos
Quatrain of Kneeling - 1109 - Yorktown Disciple
(C)  2011 by Yorktown Disciple. All rights reserved.
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Poetizing around the earth
Christian Quotes

Presented by Yorktown Disciple. 
Quatrains to gain know.
Order # 1109
Butterfly forgiveness