Yorktown Disciple, America's Premier Poet

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(C)  2010 by Yorktown Disciple.  All rights reserved.
Order # 126
Quatrain of Iszlerites

German immigrants to the United States.  Patriarch Michael Iszler. (died 1937)  Homesteaded in Streeter N.Dakota, land of the Frozen Farm Poet.  Set the Foundation for the bylaws for the Order of Iszlerian Scripters.  Poetizers around the world.  Wordsmithing from pure genius.

And the Lord came unto him and said: blessed be the toiler of soil, Saint of the seedling.

Go forth, sew they humble sweat and breath, plant thy mind with ambrosial wonder.

Cry out when the burdens of managing the land become too menacing and impending.

Face Heaven as harvesting takes its toll and borrow condonation before you're buried asunder.


Clean the harvest and separate they Will form the chaff of ignorance while waiting its due.

Portray they bounty as though sent from the Archangel of manna laden, fertile crops.

Never rest until the fields are barren; worship all words from the Almighty - you are never through.

And when its time to find they eternal home, climb abroad God's hay wagon; unlock life's wheel stops.

Yorktown Disciple
Tractors:  Who doesn't love a tractor.   Have fun.  Read quatrains, presented by Yorktown Disciple


Quatrain of The Iszlerites - 126 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Directive II

Order Section 20