Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrain of Endor

Witch of Endor - (Old Testament - 1 Samuel 28: 3 - 15) Visited Saul, first king of Isreal

One cold day a spirit arose burdened
with self edifying importance and
delivered sexual favors with

Alas, dying turned real; a curling spontaneous epiphany, forced ignorance to crawl with great

Outlawed and viral, the winds of empathy began spewing reverence as lucid thoughts began

The Witch left the soul in bed, forever searching for pious advice that was buried by the act of

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 134
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Jet Fighter
Poetizing around the world

Quatrain of Endor - 134 - Yorktown Disciple
Jets to fashion your thoughts
Quatrain Directive II

Order Section 21