Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Islamophobia

Quatrain of Islamophobia - no need
to hide it

If you must wear Islamophobia
on your sleeve to stay
alive & well, so be

Better to live with a phobia than
to have your head cut
off and lose your

Others must prove to you their
goodness, the killing
must forthrightly

Tis the leather neck of rational
fear that will keep your soul
off the chopping

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 5763

© 2015 Yorktown Disciple
All rights reserved
Poem Sanctum
Quatrain Directive LXI
Order Section 173
Quatrains to help you believe in the greater good
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Ringleader

Poetizing around the world

Quatrain of Islamophobia - 5763 - Yorktown Disciple