Yorktown Disciple
Bottled Water - Yorktown Disciple
Bow of the USS Yorktown CVS 10
©  by Yorktown Disciple. All rights reserverd.
Bottled Water

Fill this bottle with the insouciant mood of my youth that once bubbled over like carbonated water. Give me the opportunity to happily kiss odd smells coming from the future.

Quickly, shoot ordained joy into my decrepit veins and keep political tormentors from using the scythe of Death to harvest flush fields of young childish notions,

Mercilessly, force me to inhale gratifying smiles as my prosperity swims in the river of infatuation where shear splendor easily helps to  face down crushing blows of pity. I shall continually pay for ignorant thoughts I ultimately spin as I grow older.

Afford me the luxury to find happiness while I continue to smoke and drink,

How I long for a simple bottle of seltzer water

Yorktown Disciple
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Presented by Yorktown Disciple

Poems. Read.  Enjoy.  Don't stop now.