Yorktown Disicple

Best Poem of the 21st Century.  Rated #1 by The Order Of Iszlerian Scripters
Editor's Note:

Some poems require explaining.  When you read this poem no explanation is necessary.  Silence will engulf your inner thoughts and only a stiff upper lip will keep you from dropping a tear.  Read well.
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain King
Poetizing around the world
©  2010 by Yorktown Disciple. All rights reserved.

Rhythm & Rhyme - Yorktown Disciple
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Rhythm And Rhyme

The Rhythm and the Rhyme
The Pace of ceaseless time,
Linger this dismal day
As if the pace were mine.

Sublime in every fashion-
This shape surrounding me,
Beaten into a perfect mold
Like the sand beneath the sea.

Time has brought me here,
Time will take me away,
The passing of a moment
Reaps the passing of a day.

Wrinkles cling to my face
Weather beaten and worn,
The Motion I find everywhere
Is gathering in its Form.

It counts out the Rhythm,
It adds to the Rhyme,
It flows ever so gently
As if the pace were mine.

Yorktown Disciple
Poem Code 1A