Yorktown Disciple
Order # 1572
Quatrain of Voting Fatigue - 1572 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrains on a Cross.  Let them shed light unto you.  Read until you die.
Weather Underground
Quatrain of Voting Fatigue - 1572 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrai of Vote Fatigue
Quatrain of Vote Fatigue

Voting - the expression of opinion

Its unlikely you will vote for
someone you know very well,
unless it is your own

You will vote for a candidate
you think you know, while
discarding the greatness of

You want to believe a stranger
is greater than your friend,
somehow the genes

You wind up voting for naives
and fools because you vote
for those who are

Yorktown Disciple
Weather Underground
Yorktown Disicple
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Weather Underground
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