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Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Vile Traitor
Quatrain of Vile Traitor

Traitor - disloyal to your beliefs

Would you truly like to know
sin at its lowest level?

Do you wish to meet evil and
quietly befriend the Devil?

I brought just the instrument
for you to examine with fear,

It was made from pure sand
and it is known as a mirror!

If you think this is just an
act and I am being clever,

You haven't taken the time
to wrestle a moral endeavor,

For we have all been taught
that evil exists outside our soul,

But the truth is, the worst
of mankind is within our control.

The warped truth of bondage
and the bowing to a Creator,

Must be ardently crushed and
put to death like a vile traitor,

For any man can claim his way
is the only way to the light,

If you believe in truth, then
death must be your enemies

Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Vile Traitor - 1158 - Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrains to search the soul
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