Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Love's Abyss
Quatrain of Love's abyss

Love's Abyss - a tragic emptiness

I had tunnel vision when I first met
you, I saw beauty at the
far end of

I was not willing to turn my focus
away from your love or
reject the ease you

The blinders I wore made your love
easy to follow, I was sure
I was headed for

Sadly, when I realized you weren't
meant for me, I had exited the
tunnel into an

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 2745
Quatrain of Love's Abyss - 2745 - Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrains to bolster self esteem. Enjoy
Quatrain of Love's Abyss - 2745 - Yorktown Disciple
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