Quatrain of A Congressman
Weather Underground
Quatrain of A Congressman

Congressman - Scrouge of the earth,
lowest form of life

Behold! He was born a Weiner,
he lived as a Weiner, he had a
political death as a

He out did his hero, the
fornicating president who found
women to swallow his hard

Truth, traditional, men in halls
of power, would have us believe
their hammer is made of

It is, however, the vast majority,
who are forced to fondle the
shaft, in other words, me and

Yorktown Disciple
Order #1475
Quatrain of A Congressman - 1475 - Yorktown Disciple
Yorktown Disciple
Weather Underground
Quatrain of A Congressman - 1475 - Yorktown Disciple
Yorktown Disciple
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Weather Underground
Quatrains to help you understand why you pay your taxes
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Oh, Look! A group of politicians!!
Congress is in session. There is a turkey looking for a Weiner!