Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Consuming Gas
Quatrain of Consuming Gas

Consuming Gas - a dream come true

Consume a sandwich, energy will
be produced with a large
amount of

When a pint of petrol is burned
off, there is almost nothing
remaining of the

If you could swallow a pint of
gasoline by making it taste
like chicken

Eureka: you would derive plenty
of energy without having
to ever take a

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 3020
Quatrain of Consuming Gas - 3020 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrains to help you wish upon a morning star. Enjoy
Quatrain of Consuming Gas - 3020 - Yorktown Disciple
Order Section 128
Quatrain Directive XXXII
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Yorktown Disciple
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