Homeland Poetry Protection
Poems to delight
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Yorktown Disciple
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Department of Homeland poetry Protection (DHPP)


Dedicated to keeping poetry safe from the unsuspecting,

To withhold poor grammar and thoughts imprecisely rejecting,

To keep the public safe from those who would do poetic harm,

To catch those trying to pass themselves off with a poet's charm.

To take an oath to write what needs to be said and accept rejection,

To understand those who cannot speak or talk without deception.

To display all language in proper tone and interpret thoughts of logic,

To bring smiles to the reader and explain what makes reason tick.

To be the master of their shriveling soul when life begins drowning in sin.

To be prophetic in word endeavor and use historical facts without chagrin.

To be everlasting with semantics in tack, never leaving a sentence undone,

To carry water for the ignorant so all may be enlightened in the long run.

To be a poet of cultivated scribbling, herding a spirit right with the world,

To be a wordsmith and unscramble the meaning of straight thought, now curled.

Yorktown Disciple
Poetry Treasure Hunt Results:
Random digits of pure thought  .............. Calculating eye.
Quatrain of Mathematics # 152

Department of Homeland Poetry Protection - Yorktown Disciple

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