Yorktown Disciple Poetry
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Yorktown Disciple - Iszlerian Order of Scripters
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USS Yorktown CVS 10 - 1964
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Order of Iszlerian Scripters

Poet's Order

Chronicled netting of words.  Yorktown Disciple was baptized into the Order Of Iszlerian Scripters for the reasons listed below but not limited solely to this list:

Poem Savior

Progenitor of Mentation (indicating direction of great mental activity)

Herculean thoughts poetically projected

Abstruse Poet of Molecularly Manifested Motion (APMMM) (recondite, esoteric, hidden of meaning, exposing poetry like molecules in motion)

Savior of Nuance (the little specks of joy)

Saint of Heavy Metal Poetry

Saint of Shining Grace

Saint of Camouflage

Saint of Syllogistic Expostulates (to reason firmly with great syllogisms)

Saint of Animated Impetus ( a moving force)

The Unwonted Poet (not customary)

Preponderate Poet (superior in power)

A Punctilious Poet (strict observance)

Salubrious Poet (promoting health)

Perspicacious Poet (keen vision, mental giant)

An Arête Poet (virtues, good character)

Master of Metamorphose (to transform)

Prosaic Pupil of Exalted Supposition (having the form of prose as a highly regarded hypothesis)

Master of Mind Scrabble (assembling thoughts)

Poem Scavenger (finding great ideas)

Poem Scooper (picking up great ideas)

Poem Spawner (displaying new ideas)

Archangel of Rectitude (the headmaster of rightness)

Apotheosis of Prophet (god of thought)

Poet of Consecrated Munificence (over whelming generosity)

Poet of Preeminence

We hope this helps explain the character of Yorktown Disciple.  It should explain why he is a member of the Order of Iszlerian Scripters,  An Order with its main goal:  to poetize the world over.
Yorktown Disciple
Netting Words
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