Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Far Flung

Far Flung - words you don't

Do not use a word when you
do not know what
it means, be
thee, kept

Talking from the side of your
mouth leaves you
looking ignorant,
perhaps in

It is better you only convey
what you understand
without adlibbing
with broken

The worst sounds in the world
come from words with
great meaning lost
in a context
far flung.

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 4923
Quatrain of Far Flung - 4923 - Yorktown Disciple Quatrain of Far Flung - 4923 - Yorktown Disciple
Poem Sanctum
© 2014 Yorktown Disciple
All rights reserved
Quatrain Directive LII
Order Section 173
Quatrains to help you check the spelling of life. Enjoy
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