Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Deadly Disease

Deadly Disease - don't be one

Blessed be the day you were
born, your presence is
a gift to life's

Please, don't screw it up,
and become a drain on
human kind and its

You can be a presence, virtually
godly, or you can be the
devil's aide with little

It is up to you to make your birth
a consecrated act or to make
life as miserable as a deadly

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 6015

Quatrain of Deadly Disease - 6015 - Yorktown Disciple
© 2015 Yorktown Disciple
All rights reserved
Poem Sanctum
Quatrain Directive LXIII
Order Section 173
Quatrains to help you stay healthy
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Rescuer

Poetizing around the world